Elon Musk unleashes a storm on Twitter with his jokes

Elon Musk loves to play pranks, and this is well known to everyone by now. A few days ago he had fun changing the historic logo of Twitter, replacing - temporarily - the bird with a dog. The dog in question is Doge, a popular meme depicting a Shiba Inu dog and which has become a symbol of the cryptocurrency Dogecoin.

Now Elon Musk has made himself the protagonist of another "prank" of his own. As he himself made known in a post on his social network, Musk decided to cover with a cloth the letter "W" on the sign that appears on the building of the headquarters of San Francisco, thus transforming the name from Twitter to Titter. A "prank" that did not please the owner of the building.

So what did Musk do ? He had the W painted white. And according to him--problem solved !

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Elon Musk and his passion for "pranks"
Elon Musk loves to play pranks, and this is well known to everyone by now. A few days ago he had fun changing the historic logo of Twitter, replacing - temporarily - the bird with a dog. The dog in question is Doge, a popular meme depicting a  Shiba Inu dog and which has become a symbol of the cryptocurrency Dogecoin.
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What happened to the San Francisco Headquarter
Now Elon Musk has become the protagonist of another "prank" of his own. As he himself made known in a post on his social network, Musk decided to cover with a cloth the letter "W" on the sign that appears on the building of the headquarters of San Francisco, thus transforming the name from Twitter to Titter. A "prank" that did not please the owner of the building.
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The turning point told on Twitter
So what did Musk do ? He had the W painted white. And according to him...problem solved! On his social profile he wrote: "Our HQ landlord in San Francisco says we are legally obligated to keep the sign as Twitter and we can't remove the W, so we painted it. Problem solved!"
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Criticism from users
Musk's "pranks" do not seem to blow the minds of a large segment of Twitter users who are not very supportive of his policies. The logo change, for example, was quite criticized, even though it was a temporary change.
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The staff cutback
Musk was particularly criticized for the massive staff cutbacks that brought Twitter employees from 8,000 to "only" 1,500 workers. A cut that even Musk did not enjoy, as he himself told the BBC.
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