Star wines: 10 actors who produce wine

Star wines: 10 actors who produce wine. In this photo gallery we tell you about eight actors who have decided to launch their own line of wines.

Christine Michelle Metz is an American actress and singer. The star and singer of This Is Us launched The Joyful Heart Wine Company, a line of wines that she says is "a reminder of the importance of breaking bread together, sharing in community and knowing that we are all deeply loved."

Cameron Michelle Diaz is an American actress. The actress, 47, launched Avaline Wines with her friend, the entrepreneur Katherine Power.

Browse our photo gallery to find out which are the eight actors who have decided to launch their own line of wines.

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Cameron Diaz
Cameron Michelle Diaz is an American actress. The actress, 47, launched Avaline Wines with her friend, the entrepreneur Katherine Power.
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Tori Spelling
Victoria Davey Spelling is an American actress and author. The actress, 27, collaborated with HALL Wines.
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Ayesha Curry
Ayesha Disa Curry is a Canadian-American actress, cookbook author and television personality, and wife of basketball player Stephen Curry. The chef launched her own line of wines along with Sydel Curry called Domaine Curry Wine.
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Chrissy Metz
Christine Michelle Metz is an American actress and singer. The star and singer of This Is Us launched The Joyful Heart Wine Company, a line of wines that she says is "a reminder of the importance of breaking bread together, sharing in community and knowing that we are all deeply loved."
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Jared Padalecki
Jared Tristan Padalecki is an American actor. He is best known for playing the role of Sam Winchester in the TV series Supernatural. The actor recently published Venatore, a single vintage wine, a sparkling wine made from Chardonnay.
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Kate Hudson
Kate Garry Hudson is an American actress and entrepreneur. The actress produces Hudson-Bellamy wines together with her longtime boyfriend Matthew Bellamy.
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Kurt Russell
Kurt Vogel Russell is an American actor. He began acting on television at the age of 12 in the western series The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters. The actor created GoGi wines after falling in love with wine while traveling to Italy, France and California, as he writes in a letter on his website.
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Lisa Rinna
Lisa Rinna is an American actress and television personality. The star of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills launched "Rinna Wines".
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Tituss Burgess
Tituss Burgess is an American actor and singer. He has appeared in numerous Broadway musicals and is known for his high tenor voice. Tituss Burgess launched his own line of Pinot Noir called Pinot By Tituss Burgess.
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