Shakira and Hamilton closer and closer, dining together in Barcelona

At first it seemed like a simple rumour, but now the rumour is gaining momentum that Lewis Hamilton and Shakira have more than just an acquaintance. 

An early clue was spotted during the Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix, when the Colombian singer was present in the Mercedes team pit lane to follow the performance of the multiple world champion. 

According to reports from their respective representatives and people close to both, the two have reportedly started dating, although at the moment it cannot yet be called an official relationship, but rather an acquaintance phase.

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A rumour gaining momentum: the acquaintance between Lewis Hamilton and Shakira
During the Spanish F1 Grand Prix, a clue revealed something more: the presence of the Colombian singer in the Mercedes pit box to follow the exploits of seven-time world champion Hamilton. This fact fuelled the rumour that there was more than just an acquaintance between them.
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Clues to the connection: Shakira's presence in the Mercedes box during the Spanish Grand Prix
According to reports from their respective representatives and people close to both, it seems that Hamilton and Shakira have started dating. However, at the moment we cannot yet speak of an official couple, but it seems to be an initial acquaintance phase.
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Confirmed facts: Hamilton and Shakira are dating and spending time together
According to the rumours of the last few days, Hamilton and Shakira were also seen after the race in Barcelona. After the competition, the couple reportedly decided to go out to dinner at a club in the Catalan city, accompanied by a group of friends that included Daniel Caesar, Fai Khadra and Mustafa.
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Public moments: dinner and drinks with friends after the race in Barcelona
A further clue emerged when Mustafa shared a story on Instagram showing Hamilton and Shakira embracing together while sipping cocktails. This gesture seems to confirm what happened in Miami, when the two had taken part in a boat trip with mutual friends at the end of another Grand Prix.
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Rumors and clues about the evolving relationship between Hamilton and Shakira
Despite these events, it is important to stress that a relationship between Lewis Hamilton and Shakira has not been made official at the moment. We are still at an acquaintance stage and time will tell if the two will become an official couple. However, rumours and clues seem to suggest that there is more than just a friendship between them.
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