The incredible amount earned by a former manager in his very short stay at Disney

The incredible amount earned by a former manager in his very short stay at Disney.

The former manager of Disney, Geoff Morrell, earned a surprising amount during his brief stay at the company.

Despite being in office for only a few months (about two months, 70 days), Morrell earned a figure that left many industry analysts speechless and prompted the Wall Street Journal to investigate costs. In this photo gallery we will tell you exactly the amount earned by Geoff Morrell.

By Cherie Cullen - This image was released by the United States Department of Defense with the ID 09
The incredible amount earned by a former manager in his very short stay in Disney
The former manager of Walt Disney, Geoff Morrell, earned a surprising amount during his brief stay in the company. Despite being in office for only a few months (just over two months, 70 days), Morrell earned a figure that left many industry analysts speechless and prompted the Wall Street Journal to investigate costs. In this photo gallery we will tell you exactly the amount earned by Geoff Morrell.
Di Coolcaesar - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
The Walt Disney Company
Morrell began working at Disney on January 24, 2022, as chief corporate-affairs officer. After just two months he ended his working relationship with Disney, following a problem that arose within the public relations department that led to employee protests.
As reported by theThe Wall Street Journal, Disney is receiving much criticism over the compensation received from her former manager, which the activist investor described Nelson Peltz as "exaggerated". Mr Morrell's quick exit from Disney was followed by the dismissal of BobChapek, who suffered major political repercussions. 
By Scanned from personal collection Mickey Mouse and Friends #296, BOOM 2009, Fair use, https://en.w
Extra compensation
In addition to the full compensation, which you can read in the description below the next photo, the company behind the famous "Mickey Mouse" would also have paid Mr. Morrell about $ 500,000 to move his family to Los Angeles from London and another $ 500,000 to move when he lost his job. Finally, the Disney allegedly bought the house Morrell bought for $4.5 million when he moved.
The total compensation
Mr. Morrell earned, for 70 days of work, the incredible sum of $ 8,365,403. About $119,505 per day. The calculations, made and carried over by the The Wall Street Journal, are based on a proxy statement submitted by  Disney.
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