Jamie Foxx hospitalized: the first public statement from the actor of Django Unchained

Fans around the world have been anxious for several weeks now about the health condition of US actor Jamie Foxx, who was rushed to hospital almost a month ago.

The family has always maintained the utmost secrecy about the physical condition of the actor of, among others, films such as 'Django Unchained' and 'Collateral'. Those closest to him, however, have urged everyone to 'pray for him', suggesting that, in any case, the situation is quite serious.

After months of silence, it is now the actor himself who has broken the silence via social networks, with a post that does not, however, help to clarify the whole affair.

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Jamie Foxx hospitalised: the 'Django Unchained' actor's first public statement
Fans around the world have been anxious for several weeks now about the health condition of US actor Jamie Foxx, who was rushed to hospital almost a month ago.
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No official word yet on reasons for hospitalization
The reasons why the actor was admitted to the Atlanta hospital were never revealed. There was simply talk of a 'medical emergency', and then nothing more.  The only leaked rumour is that of 'TMZ', which reports that family members have called on everyone to 'pray for him'.
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All of the actor's upcoming engagements cancelled
An indication of the seriousness of his condition lies in the fact that all of Foxx's upcoming work commitments have been cancelled. In fact, the actor was supposed to participate in the fourth season of 'Beat Shazam' as well as his daughter Corinne (who constantly assists him), a DJ on the show.
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The first public statement since admission
An update arrives today, when the actor finally broke his silence and published a post on his Instagram page. 'Appreciate all the love. Feeling Blessed' the Hollywood star's comment, but still no update on his health status or what led to him having to be hospitalised in Atlanta.
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The most famous films of Jamie Foxx
Most of the general public knows him for playing Django in Tarantino's film 'Django Unchained', but the actor's great roles are many. From 'Collateral' with Tom Cruise, 'Ray' (Oscar in 2004), 'Sleppers', 'The Amazing Spiderman' and many others.
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Work before hospitalization
Before his emergency hospitalisation, Jamie Foxx was filming a movie with Cameron Diaz, 'Back in Action'.
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