Harnaam Kaur, the youngest woman with the thickest beard in the world

The youngest woman with a full beard is Harnaam Kaur (UK, born Nov. 29, 1990), at the age of 24 years and 282 days when she was confirmed to have a full beard, in Slough, U.K., on Sept. 7, 2015. At the age of 12, Kaur was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is due to increased androgens (male hormones) in females.One of the symptoms of PCOS is hirsutism , or the ability to overgrow facial and body hair. Kaur is able to grow a full beard due to her condition. While Kaur initially attempted to remove her facial hair due to constant bullying, she grew to embrace her unconventional appearance and became a spokesperson for the body positivity movement

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The youngest woman with a full beard is Harnaam Kaur (United Kingdom, born November 29, 1990)
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At the age of 24 years and 282 days, she was confirmed to have a Guinness World Record bushy beard, in Slough, UK, on Sept. 7, 2015
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In March 2017, Kaur was featured in Teen Vogue's article "Instagrammers Challenge Body and Facial Hair Stigma."
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She is a body confidence enthusiast and anti-bullying activist
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To promote self-love and acceptance, Kaur said he named his beard Sundri, which means beauty or beautiful, and refers to his beard as "she"
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