Too many tattoos on the face, the mother is forbidden to attend the play of her son

A tattoo-addicted mom said she was "forced" to watch her son's play from the window outside the classroom. Melissa Sloan, 45, lives in Wales, and is often the subject of cruel pranks by troll, both offline and online, because of his alternative appearance.

The woman told the "Daily Star", revealing that she had about 800 tattoos all over her body, including her face.

"They told me I could watch the party by going into the garden and looking through the classroom window," she explained. Melissa  Sloan also confessed that her appearance sometimes prevented her from getting a job and even going to some pubs.

foto instagram @melissa.sloan.357284
A story that comes from Wales
Melissa Sloan is a 45-year-old woman and is known in her country as the "addicted" mom to tattoos. She revealed to the Daily Star about 800 tattoos all over his body, including her face.
foto instagram @melissa.sloan.357284
Her appearance is not accepted
Her appearance, however, would not be particularly welcome in the school environment. So much so that she was prevented from attending her son's Christmas play. "They told me I could watch the party by going into the garden and looking through the classroom window," the 45-year-old woman told Daily Star . Her children's performances are therefore seen by Luke, her partner and father of the children. 
foto instagram @melissa.sloan.357284
But that's not the only problem
Being "banned" from school is not the only problem tattoos give her. Sloan also confessed that her appearance sometimes prevented her from getting a job and even going to some pubs.
foto instagram @melissa.sloan.357284
And even worse...
Melissa is often the subject of cruel pranks by trolls, both offline and online, because of its alternative appearance.
foto instagram @melissa.sloan.357284
Melissa then made a decision
Melissa then decided to take "a break" and loosen the impressive pace of three tattoos a week, made at home by her boyfriend in "prison style". "I don't think I'll get a tattoo under Christmas. Maybe this is not the time. Now I prefer to dedicate myself to my children", she concluded.
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