Would you ever say that these stars are about to turn 60?

In Hollywood , great celebrations are expected for two 60-year-olds.

Because in 2023 we celebrate the 60th birthday of Brad Pitt (18 December) and Johnny Depp (9 June).

Would you ever believe it? Two of the most loved and admired actors in the world. Often a yardstick in the elusive scale that measures the sex appeal. The first, fresh from makeover flaunted to Golden Globes 2023, is refreshing his life.

Even for the former Pirate, 2023 is a turning point. Closed the media story of the trials with his ex-wife Amber Heard, is ready for the great return to Hollywood.

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Brad Pitt
The American actor and film producer will turn 60 on December 18, 2023.
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Johnny Depp
The American actor, director, film producer and musician will turn 60 on June 9, 2023.
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Quentin Tarantino
The American film director, screenwriter, actor and producer was born on March 27, 1963.
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John Stamos
The American actor and singer will turn 60 on August 19, 1963.
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Eric McCormack
The Canadian-born American actor was born on April 18, 1963.
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