Musk beats Arnault, is again the world's richest man, ranking

Elon Musk becomes the world's richest person again, as reported by 'Bloomberg Billionaires', surpassing Bernard Arnault again after Arnault's LVMH shares fell 2.6% in Paris trading. 

Billionaires are among the most powerful people on the planet: they wield significant influence over huge parts of the global economy and play key roles in everything from international politics to the media, from philanthropy to scientific innovation. 

They have created companies that employ tens or even hundreds of thousands of employees worldwide and are behind some of the best known brands, such as Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, Google and Nike. Many billionaires hold a large part of their net worth in the shares of the company they founded. In this ranking we list the richest people in the world.

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Elon Musk is again the richest person in the world, the ranking
Elon Musk becomes the world's richest person again, as reported by 'Bloomberg Billionaires', surpassing Bernard Arnault again after Arnault's LVMH shares fell 2.6% in Paris trading. Billionaires are among the most powerful people on the planet: they wield significant influence over huge parts of the global economy and play key roles in everything from international politics to the media, from philanthropy to scientific innovation. They have created companies that employ tens or even hundreds of thousands of employees worldwide and are behind some of the best known brands, such as Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, Google and Nike. Many billionaires hold a large part of their net worth in the shares of the company they founded. In this ranking we list the 10 richest people in the world.
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Warren Buffett, 1930, USA
Assets: $108.5 billion. Source of income: Berkshire Hathaway. Source: Forbes
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Steve Ballmer, 1956, USA
Assets: $114 billion. Source of income: former CEO of Microsoft, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers.
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Larry Ellison, 1944, USA
Assets: $111.9 billion. Source of income: Oracle. Source: Forbes
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Bill Gates, 1955, USA
Assets: $104.5 billion. Source of income: Microsoft and investments. Source: Forbes
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Jeff Bezos, 1964, USA
Assets: $126.3 billion. Source of income: Amazon. Source: Forbes
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Bernard Arnault, 1949, France
Assets: $185.3 billion. Source of income: LVMH. Source: Ansa
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Elon Musk, 1971, South Africa - Canada - USA
The Tesla patron surpasses Bernard Arnault and returns to the top of the world according to the 'Bloomberg Billionaires Index', with assets of $192 billion.
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