Some curiosities you may not have known about Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman is one of Hollywood's most famous and best-loved actresses, winner of an Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role in 2010 for 'The Black Swan' and numerous other awards. 

In addition to her career on the big screen, however, there are many interesting facts about her private and professional life that might surprise you, starting with her real surname.

In this article, we will explore some intriguing details about Natalie Portman's life that might not be known to the general public.

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Mother tongue Hebrew
Natalie Portman was born in Jerusalem, Israel, to parents of Jewish descent. Her first language was therefore Hebrew, while she only learnt English later.
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Stage name
Natalie Portman's real name is Natalie Hershlag, but she decided to adopt a stage name to protect her family's privacy.
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Graduated at Harvard
Despite her successful career in the film industry, Natalie Portman has always attached great importance to education. She graduated in Psychology from the prestigious Harvard University in 2003.
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Polyglot skills
Thanks to her multicultural background, Natalie Portman is fluent in many languages, including Hebrew, English, French, Spanish, German and Japanese.
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Passionate about dance
Since childhood, Natalie Portman has practised ballet and attended the American Ballet Theatre ballet school. She has also acted in numerous films in which she has shown her talents as a dancer.
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Best role
Although she has starred in many successful films, Natalie Portman considers her best role to be that of Nina in 'The Black Swan' (2010), which won her an Oscar for Best Actress.
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Women's rights activist
Natalie Portman is an activist for women's rights and has participated in numerous demonstrations in defence of their freedoms. She also produced and directed the documentary 'Eating Animals', which explores the relationship between animal products and the environment.
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Culinary knowledge
Natalie Portman is also passionate about cooking and has written a vegan recipe book called 'The Kind Diet'. In addition, she is an advocate of healthy eating and organic farming.
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