Two tourists wanted in Venice, mayor puts up bounty

Two unscrupulous young men performed strictly forbidden evolutions in the Grand Canal between gondolas and waterbuses

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Surfers in Venice, speeding through the Grand Canal and passing under the Accademia Bridge
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The two surfers appear to lead boards with electric motors, a mode of surfing that is becoming popular
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The video of the two surfers, posted on the Facebook group, immediately went viral
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Activities such as windsurfing, surfing, water skiing, kitesurfing are prohibited in the canals of Venice's historic center
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Now the two adventurers risk, if identified by the cameras, heavy penalties for violations, from sailing where it was prohibited to speeding
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The mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro, has asked citizens for help in locating the two tourists and punishing them, with some sort of bounty as a reward--a dinner offered by him
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