Bullfighting turns fatal, ending is terrifying

A bull with flaming horns, a local custom of the Vallada festivities in Valencia, gored a 24-year-old young man and struck him in the spleen, tragic his fate and unfortunately fatal accidents in Spain during these festivities happen often

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Shock in Spain
A young 24-year-old Spaniard is struck by a bull with burning horns during a local festival in the town of Vallada in Valencia
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Dramatic consequences
The bull then dragged the boy, repeatedly throwing him to the ground without him being able to react. No injuries were visible but the seriousness of the situation was later realized.
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This is not the first time this has happened
Fatal accidents in Spain during these holidays unfortunately happen often.
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The bull is driven away
After the violent attack, some of those present found the courage to distract the bull and get him away from the unfortunate young man.
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Nothing to do for the 24-year-old Spaniard
Doctors could do no more than note the rupture of the spleen, caused by the bull's horns that impaled the young Spaniard, towards whom treatment proved futile. The fiery horns, are part of the tradition of the annual Vallada festival, which has been suspended by local authorities.
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