Well-known people you didn't know had been adopted

Some characters from the entertainment world were adopted when they were little. Perhaps not many know this detail of their private life, also because the characters in question speak little about it.

Among the most sensational cases, that of Marilyn Monroe, who spent the first years of his life in some family homes. A very similar destiny that also binds her to another great actress like Ingrid Bergman, who lost her parents when she was very few years old.

Going back to more recent times, the singer Faith Hill, the Ray Liotta actor and also the famous Michael Bay director were adopted.

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Well-known people you may not have known were adopted
Some characters from the entertainment world were adopted when they were little. Perhaps not many know this detail of their private life, also because the characters in question speak little about it.
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Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe's childhood was not the best. Abandoned by her father, Marilyn changed several family homes because her mother was unable to take care of her.
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Faith Hill
The American singer Faith Hill was adopted ten days after being born.
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John Lennon
John Lennon was adopted by his aunt at the age of 6 after refusing to go to New Zealand with his father and after spending some time with his mother.
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Steve Jobs
Even the founder of Apple Steve Jobs was not raised by his birth parents and was given up for adoption as soon as he was born.
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Ray Liotta
Recently deceased, the actor was Ray Liotta given up for adoption six months after his birth.
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Michael Bay
The famous director of Hollywood Michael Bay, who directed Transformer and Armageddon, was adopted as a child.
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