At 102 years old, gives fitness classes four days a week: 'When I get old, I'll stop"

Jean Bailey is 102 years old and teaches fitness four times a week. She does this at the Elk Ridge Village Senior Living nursing home, in Omaha, USA, and all of her students (there are usually ten) are her classmates from the center.

Bailey has been doing it for three years and has no plans on stopping. "When I get old I will stop," she ironically told Washington Post.

At Elk Ridge, residents can participate in many different physical activities, and their classes are just one of the many offered.

Residence authorities say that everyone prefers her because of her "extraordinary" outlook on life.

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At 102 years old, gives fitness classes four days a week: 'When I get old, I'll stop"
Jean Bailey is 102 years old and teaches fitness four times a week. She does this at the Elk Ridge Village Senior Living nursing home, in Omaha, USA, and all of her students (there are usually ten) are her classmates from the center.
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Instructor for three years
Bailey has been doing it for three years and has no plans on stopping. "When I get old, I'll stop," she ironically told the Washington Post.
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The nursing home is the Elk Ridge Village Senior Living
At Elk Ridge, residents can participate in many different physical activities, and their classes are just one of the many offered.
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Jean Bailey's lessons
Bailey teaches for 30 minutes on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. All of her classes begin with a prayer.
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The techniques used by Jean Bailey
Jean has her students do 20 types of stretches for the upper and lower body, with different push-ups of the feet and arms. "She moves absolutely every part of the body, from the hands to the feet," Bailey explains in one of her sessions.
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The relationship of friendship inside the nursing home
"We became very good friends in our apartment," the teacher said, adding, "Each of us would do something for anyone. We really keep in touch with each other."
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Not just fitness classes
In fact, her classes are not just about fitness. They are also moments to share with friends. Jean, when she finishes classes or celebrates someone's birthday,  often offers meals to her students.
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