Britney Spears deletes Instagram profile but photos still speak volumes

The pop star is back in the news just hours after the release of her duet with Elton John titled 'Hold Me Closer,' a revamped version of the classic "Tiny Dancer" available on all streaming platforms (available Aug. 26), deciding to take yet another break from social networking.

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This is already the fourth time
Britney Spears deletes, for the fourth time, her Instagram account to rid herself of negativity.
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The pop star's statements
"I'm learning that every day is a new beginning to try to be a better person and do what makes me happy."
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An underappreciated gesture
The gesture bewildered the pop star's fans in no small measure.
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But fortunately.
There are numerous fan pages on Instagram with Britney Spears portrayed in all her glory.
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Britney Spears in the past had shown herself unfiltered in multiple poses, and perhaps now her collaboration with a British music legend like Elton John has downsized her on social media.
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Within hours of the release of the duet with Elton John...
"Maybe we should also have tea together. Let's invite Queen Elizabeth too!!! This collaboration will make my year better, thank you for your generosity. How nice it is to be a background voice on your song!!! Sir Elton I did it because of your brilliant, creative and legendary mind!!! I am so grateful!" the beautiful Britney wrote in her latest Instagram post!
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